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Word Wednesday is sharing my love of words with you!  I like to build my vocabulary by doing things such as: subscribing to receive a daily notification from the app; flipping randomly through my physical Webster’s dictionary; playing Words With Friends 2 on my cell phone; and doing crossword puzzles.

On random Wednesdays, I’ll post a word that either I had to look up its definition when I first came across it, or I simply like the way the word sounds or its meaning.   Some related items I may post on Wednesdays might be: a picture that represents Wednesday’s word; a scene or character from my book that illustrates the meaning of the word; or a quote from my novel that contains that word. 


Unctuous (UNGK choo us) adj: oily, both literally and figuratively, insincere.  Ex: Salad oil is literally unctuous.  A used-car salesman might be figuratively unctuous that he is oily in the sense of being slick, sleazy and insincere. h

I think I first came across this word when someone played it during a game of Scrabble.  I had no idea what the word meant, so I’m sure I challenged my opponent on this one!

One character in my novel Love, Texas — Population 2 who most certainly is unctuous is Andrea Gailton.  She is a TV reporter who always asks people questions using a sincere, concerned tone, but she truly only cares about being the first one to get a juicy story–and could care less about the feelings of victims.  One such instance is when she arrives on scene in a town that has been ravished by a major tornado.

“Ma’am?  Do you know anyone who might be the parents of that child?”

Andrea Gailton (Channel 72 News reporter from Love, Texas — Population 2)
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